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Tag Archives: europe

Introducció a Propostes Cat. 1ª versió

Quan les persones pensen una institució per a gestionar algun aspecte de les seves relaciones socials, el que fan és crear un ens intermediari que actua de filtre entre les persones i que amplifica les possibilitats i capacitats del grup. Aturem-nos en aquests dos conceptes: “Actuar com a filtre” i “Amplificar les capacitats del grup”. […]

Society and Person

Each stage of human evolution -from Paleolithic groups to the present society- has been conditioned by the dominance of a different type of institution, which has determined the way people think their relationships and the society they can establish. Understanding the type of institutions that shaped our society makes easier to understand the reasons of […]

Autonomous Institutions

Economic exchange is organized by cultural meanings, and cultural meanings are organized by economic exchange.  To let a cultural institution, run without a human control and allow it to react freely in the middle of all the other institutions, expecting that this institution will survive and do its job of caring for the persons and […]